The Trudeau Record

Promise and Performance 25 experts weigh in


In this book, independent experts analyze the performance of Justin Trudeau’s years in power in six key policy areas: Indigenous rights, governance and housing; the environment and energy; taxes and spending; healthcare and social benefits; foreign policy, immigration and trade; and social policy, including drug reform, labour rights, and racism.


Katherine Scott

Katherine Scott is an Ottawa-based Senior Researcher with the Canadian Centre for Policy

Laura MacDonald

Alternatives, where she directs the centre’s gender equality and public policy work. She has worked

Stuart Trew

in the community sector as a researcher, writer, and advocate over the past twenty-five years,

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
The Introduction to The Trudeau Record provides an overview of the Justin Trudeau’s record in six key policy areas (Indigenous rights, governance and housing; the environment and energy; …
; ; 23 $2.30
This chapter discusses the Trudeau government’s approach to Indigenous-Crown relationships and reconciliation.
16 $1.60
This chapter analyzes the Trudeau government’s policies of multiculturalism and anti-racism and its record on racial justice at home and abroad.
15 $1.50
This chapter looks at the record of the Trudeau Liberal government on gender politics, including its policies on reproductive rights, affordable child care, parental leave and general issues of …
16 $1.60
This chapter looks at the Trudeau government’s handling of relationships with Indigenous communities (First Nations, Inuit, and Metis) and policies related to the Truth and Reconciliation …
20 $2.00
This chapter examines the Trudeau government’s response to the climate crisis, including the international and domestic agreements to reduce emissions, the national carbon pricing system, …
16 $1.60
This chapter discusses the Trudeau government’s investment in infrastructure and analyzes its commitment to public spending to realize affordable and accessible public transit.
16 $1.60
This chapter addresses the Trudeau government’s legacy on conservation, environmental protection and safeguarding of endangered species and habitats.
13 $1.30
This chapter looks at the Trudeau government’s record on taxes and progressive taxation.
; 19 $1.90
This chapter examines the Trudeau government’s record on labour rights and labour relations.
15 $1.50
This chapter evaluates the Trudeau government’s social spending policies, particularly income support programs before and after the pandemic.
15 $1.50
This chapter discusses the Trudeau government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
14 $1.40
This chapter looks at the history of Canadian cultural policy and the assesses the Trudeau government’s record relating to the new challenges of digital platforms such as Amazon, Netflix …
13 $1.30
This chapter examines the Trudeau government’s record on health care.
; 18 $1.80
This chapter evaluates the gap between the Trudeau government’s promises and delivery of a National Housing Strategy
12 $1.20
This chapter assesses the Trudeau record on child care and early learning.
; 16 $1.60
This chapter looks at the Trudeau government’s approach to drug reform– one that sought an end to policies of prohibition and criminalization and instead prioritized public health and …
18 $1.80
This chapter looks at Canadian foreign policy under the Trudeau government, specifically in its management of Canada-US relations.
17 $1.70
This chapter reviews the Trudeau government’s position on China and emerging global markets.
13 $1.30
This chapter looks at the Trudeau government’s record on foreign aid and international development.
14 $1.40
This chapter examines the Trudeau government’s immigration policy.
18 $1.80