
Showing 1–16 of 32 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Bill Gates, Pay Your Fair Share of Taxes…Like We Do!

Bill Gates and other wealthy individuals around the world do pay taxes–but usually at rates far below what most taxpayers pay. As Warren Buffet says, his secretary pays a higher tax rate … 184 View

Share the Wealth!

How we can tax Canada’s super-rich and create a better country for everyone

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in early 2020, millions of Canadians suddenly found themselves out of work as businesses shuttered and the country went into lockdown. While many were struggling to … ; 208 View


From: Share the Wealth!

This reading includes a foreword by Canadian NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and an author’s preface ; 8 $0.80 Add


From: Bill Gates, Pay Your Fair Share of Taxes...Like We Do!

Introduces the reason behind this book and outlines the tax breaks given to the super wealthy and how they can nevigate around the tax regime to their benefit 8 $0.80 Add

A Mighty Time

From: Clean Money Revolution

A Mighty Time Early Roots The Dirty Campaign against Al Gore Sr. To the White House Door with Jimmy Carter Dark Money: Lewis Powell’s Legacy A 500-Year Calling Q&A with Don Shaffer ; 22 $2.20 Add

And Economy that Works – For the Wealthy

From: Share the Wealth!

Readings in part 1 of this title explore the political and economic decisions and trends that have led to economic inequality in Canada. This chapter discusses the current degree of income … ; 19 $1.90 Add

Canadian Income Inequality

The Big Picture

From: The Age of Increasing Inequality

Unbalanced growth and increasing income inequality since 1981 contrasts starkly with the balanced growth and stable income distribution of 1946 to 1981. Although total output per Canadian grew by … 20 $2.00 Add

Fiscal Epidemic

From: Bill Gates, Pay Your Fair Share of Taxes...Like We Do!

Looks at the history of fiscal crises to analyze how the current situation accounts for an epidemic with new means of communication and globalization. Looks at the ineffectiveness of tax systems … 44 $4.40 Add

What is the Consulting Trap?

From: The Consulting Trap

In Chapter One, the authors define TPSFs (transnational professional service firms), including where they are located, what services they provide, how they have been able to influence … 24 $2.40 Add

Tax Breaks for Multinationals

From: Bill Gates, Pay Your Fair Share of Taxes...Like We Do!

Chapter 2 of this book looks at the detaxation of multinational corporations. Showcases that advocates for this note that it does not adversely affect the country’s public finances, here … 19 $1.90 Add

The Myths Used to Create and Justify Inequality

From: Share the Wealth!

Readings in part 1 of this title explore the political and economic decisions and trends that have led to economic inequality in Canada. This chapter lists and debunks several myths that are used … ; 16 $1.60 Add

Haven for the Rich, Hell for the Rest of Us

From: Bill Gates, Pay Your Fair Share of Taxes...Like We Do!

Chapter 3 examines tax havens. New means of communication and greater capital mobility help taxpayers easily get around the principle of tax residence by establishing (or pretending to establish) … 24 $2.40 Add

The Choices that Created Economic Inequality

From: Share the Wealth!

Readings in part 1 of this title explore the political and economic decisions and trends that have led to economic inequality in Canada. This chapter explores the conscious decisions made by the … ; 15 $1.50 Add

Shopping Without Borders

From: Bill Gates, Pay Your Fair Share of Taxes...Like We Do!

Chapter 4 delves into electronic commerce. Traditional taxation principles that were devised more than half a century ago were based on a physical world, with tangible goods, and defined places … 11 $1.10 Add

Taxing Individual Wealth

From: Share the Wealth!

Readings in part 2 of this title explore potential solutions to income inequality in Canada. This chapter explores methods for taxing individual wealth, including examples of countries where this … ; 16 $1.60 Add

Closing Tax Loopholes

From: Share the Wealth!

Readings in part 2 of this title explore potential solutions to income inequality in Canada. This chapter lists tax loopholes in Canada and how they can be closed including special treatment for … ; 16 $1.60 Add