
Showing 1–16 of 21 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

About Canada: The Environment

As the Earth veers toward a biological tipping point, as resources like water, fish, oil and natural gas become scarcer and as climate change threatens our survival, how is Canada responding? … 176 View

Facing the Climate Emergency

How to Transform Yourself With Climate Truth

As the climate crisis accelerates toward the collapse of civilization and the natural world, people everywhere are feeling deep pain about ecological destruction and their role in it. Yet we are … ; 162 View

The Story of Upfront Carbon

How a Life of Just Enough Offers a Way Out of the Climate Crisis

When you look at the world through the lens of upfront carbon, everything changes Think that buying an electric car or switching to a heat pump is going to save the planet? Think again. We must … 194 View

Chapter 1: The Lens of Upfront Carbon

From: The Story of Upfront Carbon

What is upfront carbon, and why is it so important? For decades we have been preoccupied with energy consumption, but since the Paris Accord of 2015 we have had to pivot to concern about carbon … 46 $4.60 Add

Our Romance With Reductionism

From: About Canada: The Environment

21 $2.10 Add


From: Facing the Climate Emergency

This section contains the prologue and a brief introduction. ; 13 $1.30 Add

Chapter 2: Strategies for Sufficiency

From: The Story of Upfront Carbon

How can we reduce upfront carbon emissions and use less stuff? A look at ideas like simplicity, where we eliminate wasteful complications, or materiality, what it is made of, or flexibility, can … 55 $5.50 Add

Step One

Face Climate Truth

From: Facing the Climate Emergency

This chapter asks the reader to engage with the truth about climate change: That scientific consensus agrees that a climate emergency and ecological crisis presents an imminent existential threat … ; 19 $1.90 Add

The Cult of Consumerism

From: About Canada: The Environment

19 $1.90 Add

Chapter 3: Stuff

From: The Story of Upfront Carbon

Some examples of the upfront carbon in everyday objects, from cars to hamburgers to puffer jackets. But it doesn’t end with the object; for example, a single-use disposable coffee cup has … 45 $4.50 Add

Step Two

Welcome Fear, Grief, and Other Painful Feelings

From: Facing the Climate Emergency

This chapter suggests that readers must be willing to accept and cope with the feelings of fear and grief that accompany the thought of climate change. By not allowing these negative feelings to … ; 24 $2.40 Add

Taking Stock of Canada’s Ecosystems

From: About Canada: The Environment

23 $2.30 Add

Chapter 4: Everything Connects

From: The Story of Upfront Carbon

Many talk about how we might change our housing, transportation, work or diet, but here we see that they are all tied together and interconnected; our food supply is dependent on our … 15 $1.50 Add

Step Three

Reimagine Your Life Story

From: Facing the Climate Emergency

This chapter asks us to reassess the purpose of our lives in the context of facing the climate emergency. We must recast ourselves as the heroes of this story and start to act accordingly. ; 11 $1.10 Add

Turning the Bull Loose

From: About Canada: The Environment

21 $2.10 Add

Canada’s Changing Environment

From: About Canada: The Environment

24 $2.40 Add