
Showing 1–16 of 86 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

A Matter of Taste

A Farmers' Market Devotee's Semi-Reluctant Argument for Inviting Scientific Innovation to the Dinner Table

How did farmer’s markets, nose­-to-­tail, locavorism, organic eating, CSAs, whole foods, and Whole Foods become synonymous with "good food"? And are these practices … 137 View


The Fight For Land and Food

In Belongings, Sally Miller illustrates how food and farm crises result from adherence to the rules of private property. Miller looks at the state of farmland and farmers in Canada and across the … 205 View

Changing Tides

An Ecologist's Journey to Make Peace with the Anthropocene

Change the story and change the future – merging science and Indigenous knowledge to steer us towards a more benign Anthropocene. As humanity marches on, causing mass extinctions and … 220 View

Dinner on Mars

The Technologies That Will Feed the Red Planet and Transform Agriculture on Earth

From Impossible Burgers to lab-made sushi, two witty, plugged-in food scientists explore leading-edge AgTech for the answer to feeding a settlement on Mars — and 9 billion Earthlings too … ; 232 View

Good Crop / Bad Crop

Seed Politics and the Future of Food in Canada

In recent years Canadians have become more and more concerned about the origins of their food and the environmental impacts of pesticides in agriculture. What is less well known is that pesticide … 160 View

Grocery Story

The Promise of Food Co-ops in the Age of Grocery Store Giants

Food has become ground-zero in our efforts to increase awareness of how our choices impact the world. Yet while we have begun to transform our communities and dinner plates, the most … 306 View

Gravity Suspended

From: Changing Tides

This chapter follows the author, Alejandro Frid’s personal experiences conducting dive surveys for rockfish—a genus of long-lived, marine fishes that are easy to overfish—as … 12 $1.20 Add


Overview of Belongings

From: Belongings

20 $2.00 Add


On the Cusp of a Revolution

From: Emergent Agriculture

Today’s shifting agricultural paradigm is doing much the same thing. It is changing the way we produce food, how and where we get it, and what it does to our health, our pocket books, and … 5 $0.50 Add


From: In The Business of Change

Social entrepreneurs, innovative men and women who focus their creative energy and business-minded skillset and savvy toward social change. Finding new and empowering ways to tackle social … 4 $0.40 Add

Introduction, Consider the Dunkaroo

From: A Matter of Taste

In this chapter, Tucker begins with a discussion on the association of moral good and bad in relation to food habits. This leads into what constitutes good or bad food, and stresses four … 5 $0.50 Add

Introduction: the Martian Singularity

From: Dinner on Mars

The Introduction reflects on the origins of this book as a thought experiment of what life would look like on Mars. Discussing topics including the ill-fated Franklin Expedition, revolutionary … ; 14 $1.40 Add

Rise of the Grocery Giants

From: Grocery Story

This chapter begins the description of the actions and tactics of "big food". The history of the A&P grocery retalier is described, as well as Piggly Wiggly, the first self-service … 15 $1.50 Add