Fur Trade

Showing 1–16 of 22 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Songs Upon the Rivers

The Buried History of the French-Speaking Canadiens and Métis from the Great Lakes and the Mississippi across to the Pacific

“A major undertaking … a valuable contribution,” Canada’s History Long before the Davy Crocketts, the Daniel Boones and Jim Bridgers, the French had pushed far west and north establishing trade … ; ; 448 View

The History of Montréal

The Story of a Great North American City

Montreal is one of those unique cities at the crossroads of history. Paul-André Linteau’s The History of Montréal provides essential background for both Montrealers and all those … 206 View


From: Songs Upon the Rivers

; ; 14 $1.40 Add

Writing History, Burying the Past

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter discusses the history of the descendants of French colonists in North America, exploring the impact of generations of Canadiens, Creole, and Métis populations in what is now … ; ; 52 $5.20 Add

The French Empire and the First Metis of the Old Northwest

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter explores Metis history, looking at the history of various Metis communities across North America and the formation of Métis identity. It covers some early French colonial … ; ; 44 $4.40 Add

The Heart of an Empire

From: The History of Montréal

For close to a century, Montreal was the beating heart of a commercial and political empire that covered a large portion of North America. This chapter explores this aspect of Montreal’s … 10 $1.00 Add

The Mild West

The Myth of RCMP

From: National Dreams

For a hundred years the Royal Canadian Mounted Police has occupied a special place in Canadian history and our imaginations. The story of how they drove out the American whiskey peddlers and … 49 $1.96 Add

Traders and Adventurers, 1671–1821

From: North of Superior

Looks at how the relationship between the Aboriginal Peoples and the fur trading Europeans Developed. Outlines that it went from one of European dependence on Aboriginal knowledge and skills to … ; 20 $2.00 Add

Accommodation in the Middle Ground

From the Pays d’en Haut to Illinois and Michigan Territory (1670-1818)

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter continues to explore Métis history, looking at the stories of various families and individuals as well as migrations/communities in different parts of North America. ; ; 48 $4.80 Add

Michigan Territory From the War of 1812 to Statehood in 1837

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter focuses on the period following the end of the War of 1812, and the experiences of Canadien and Métis descendants as well as Indigenous communities in North America during this … ; ; 40 $4.00 Add

Settlement in an Age of Mercantilism

Chartered Companies, Clash of Empires, 1500–1700

From: Colonialism and Capitalism: Canada's Origins 1500-1890

This chapter discusses mercantilism and the beginnings of chartered companies such as the Hudson Bay Company and European settlement in Canada as the European empires sought to expand their trade … 10 $1.00 Add

La Haute-Louisiane and the Far West

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter looks at the history of French-descended Canadiens, Creole, and Métis populations in the area of Louisiana and the Far West. It looks at biases and inaccuracies in the … ; ; 48 $4.80 Add

The Fur Trade and the Metis of the New Northwest

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter examines the history of the British (and later Canadian) fur trade, taking the role of a latter-day witness to the arrival of French-speaking peoples in the Pacific Northwest. It … ; ; 28 $2.80 Add

British North America, the American Revolution, and Land

From: Colonialism and Capitalism: Canada's Origins 1500-1890

This chapter takes a look at British rule in North America in the late eighteenth century, Mi’kmaq treaty negotiations, the impact of the westward movement of the Fur Trade on Indigenous … 13 $1.30 Add

The Black Robes Return

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter looks at the Black Robes and Catholic church’s role in some of the history of French-descended and French-speaking populations in North America. ; ; 43 $4.30 Add

The March to Statehood

From: Songs Upon the Rivers

This chapter continues to explore the history of French-speaking/descended settlements in North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. ; ; 21 $2.10 Add