Income Inequality

Showing 1–16 of 69 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Bankrupticies & Bailouts

Recession? Depression? Market adjustment? Billion-dollar bailouts? Just what is happening to the economy? Like the rest of the industrialized world, Canada is in the midst of an economic crisis … ; 168 View

Basic Income For Canadians

From the Covid-19 Emergency to Financial Security for All

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of providing a basic income to everyone in Canada who needs it was already gaining broad support. Then, in response to a crisis that threatened to put … 258 View

Hollow Work, Hollow Society?

Globalization and the Casual Labour Problem in Canada

More and more people in Canada and other Western countries are now working at part-time, short-term and other casual jobs. People are now asking: What happened to full-time employment? Why is … 112 View

If You’re In My Way, I’m Walking

The Assault on Working People Since 1970

“If you’re in my way I’m walking.” This arrogant statement by former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien on the occasion of his physical altercation with a protester in … 160 View

The Age of Increasing Inequality

The Astonishing Rise of Canada's 1%

For 35 years, Canada has become vastly wealthier, but most people have not. This book documents the dramatic and rapid growth in inequality. It identifies the causes. It proposes meaningful steps … 248 View

The Case for Basic Income

Freedom, Security, Justice

Inequality is up. Decent work is down. Free market fundamentalism has been exposed as a tragic failure. In a job market upended by COVID-19—with Canadians caught in the grip of precarious … ; ; 264 View

The Scandalous Rise of Inequality in Canada

There are more billionaires than ever in Canada – and they are capturing an ever-growing share of the country’s wealth. Meanwhile 90% of Canadians are steadily losing ground. … 288 View

The Tenant Class

In this trailblazing manifesto, political economist Ricardo Tranjan places tenants and landlords on either side of the class divide that splits North American society. What if there is no housing … 145 View

Forward and On Basic Income by George Elliot Clark

From: The Case for Basic Income

In the forward, Dr. Martin links basic income to human health, and notes this link is more obvious than ever because of the COVID-19 pandemic. ; 8 $0.80 Add


From: The Age of Increasing Inequality

The history of economic inequality in Canada and briefly touches on the other forms of inequality that exist in Canada which would persist even if economic inequality was eliminated. Briefly … 18 $1.80 Add


From: Basic Income For Canadians

The introduction provides an overview of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic how it may play a role in the adoption of basic income. 6 $0.60 Add


From: The Scandalous Rise of Inequality in Canada

In the Introduction, the author explains the background for writing this book on the growth of inequality in Canada, and the effect of the Covid pandemic and the climate crisis in recent years on … 22 $2.20 Add

Malcolm Gladwell in Conversation with Rudyard Griffiths

April 9, 2020

From: The World After Covid

Malcolm Gladwell and Rudyard Griffiths discuss Covid-19 and America’s response to it. Topics include social inequality, health care, ethics, human social behaviours, climate change, and … 11 $1.10 Add

The Economic Crisis

Class Warfare from Reagan to Obama

From: Bankrupticies & Bailouts

14 $1.40 Add

The Neoliberal Rollback in Historical Perspective

From: If You're In My Way, I'm Walking

28 $4.48 Add

A Guaranteed Livable Income for Canadians

From: Basic Income For Canadians

This chapter provides an outline of what basic income is. 27 $2.70 Add