
Showing 1–16 of 32 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Statutory Interpretation is a practical guide to the techniques and reasoning used by lawyers and judges to resolve interpretation problems. The book deciphers the complex rules of … 429 View

Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law

Canadian Perspectives

The group of authors — made up of prosecutors, defence lawyers, government counsel, academics, and civil society advocates — take on a variety of subjects, including terrorism, … 608 View

Introduction to Statute Law

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Examination of the types and elements of legislation, its temporal operation from enactment through to amendment and repeal, and legislative style. 26 $2.60 Add

Part I

The Broad Scope of Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law in Canada

From: Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law

Part I includes the following chapters: Introduction: Locating Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law – The Internationalization of Canadian Criminal Law. 68 $6.80 Add

Introduction to Statutory Interpretation

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Examination of concepts and assumptions involved in statutory interpretation, and sources of interpretation rules. 20 $2.00 Add

Part II

Implementation and Influence

From: Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law

Part II includes the following chapters: Courting Transnational Criminal Law in Canada – The Influence of Transnational Criminal Law on Refugee Law, Formalism and Substance in the Domestic … 72 $7.20 Add

Philosophy and the Case for Animals

From: Canadian Perspectives on Animals and the Law

Examination of arguments for implementing strong legal protections for non-human animals. 19 $1.90 Add

Part III

The Problems of Jurisdiction

From: Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law

Part III includes the following chapters: Making Sense of Extraterritoriality Jurisprudence: Heuristic Pro-forum Biases and the Need for an Algorithmic Approach, An Agenda for Jurisdictional Law … 84 $8.40 Add

The Entire Context

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Examination of the process of establishing the first impression meaning of a text, testing it against the entire admissible context, and resolving any disharmony. 8 $0.80 Add

Ordinary Meaning

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Examination of the rule requiring that the words of a statute be read in their ordinary, grammatical sense. 14 $1.40 Add

Part IV

Corporate, Economic and Financial Crime, Money Laundering and Proceeds

From: Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law

Part IV includes the following chapters: Gatekeepers- The Lawyer Enigma – Tackling Money Laundering in Canada Through Beneficial Ownership Transparency – Harmonious Coexistence: Law … 148 $14.80 Add

Part V

Commodity Crimes

From: Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law

Part V includes the following chapters: International Trafficking of Cultural Property: An Overview and the Canadian Perspective – From Opium to Fentanyl: Drug Smuggling, Canada, and … 50 $5.00 Add

Technical Meaning and Meanings Fixed by Law

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Examination of presumptions applicable to technical meaning, legal terminology, meanings fixed by law, and drafting conventions. 23 $2.30 Add

Part VI

Inter-State Cooperation and Enforcement

From: Transnational and Cross-Border Criminal Law

Part VI includes the following chapters: Extradition – Disguised Extradition Through Deportation as an Abuse of Process – Operation CARIBBE: A Case Study in Combatting Drug … 124 $12.40 Add

Shared and Bijural Meaning

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Examination of interpretation issues raised by bilingual legislation and legislation applying in both a civil law and common law context. 18 $1.80 Add

Original Meaning

From: Statutory Interpretation 3/e

Analysis of the rule assuming that the meaning of legislation is fixed when the legislation is first enacted. 12 $1.20 Add