Political Science

Showing 529–544 of 3207 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Is Human Behaviour the Result of Our Biology?

From: How Societies Work

20 $3.20 Add

Islamist Terrorism

Assessing Threats to Democracy

From: In The Balance

Assesses the challenges that Islamist terrorism pose to Western democracies by considering the threat of jihadist terrorism and post-9/11 developments. The question of what role the law can play … 9 $0.90 Add

Latin America’s Twenty-First Century Socialism

From: 21st Century Socialism

22 $2.42 Add

Latina Knowledge Production and the Ethics of Ambiguity

From: Unravelling Research

In Chapter 2, authors Vannina Sztainbok and Lorena M. Gajardo examine the ethics of ambiguity when engaging in research within the geopolitical structures that continue to rely on the … ; 24 $2.40 Add

Lecture One: The Body, Capitalism and the Reproduction of Labour Power

From: Beyond the Periphery of the Skin

Part 1 of this title consists of three lectures by feminist scholar Silvia Federici. In this lecture, Federici discusses the concept of the body and how it is defined and conceived of from … 14 $1.40 Add

Licence To Be Radical

From: BlackBerry Town

Examines the process Mike Lazaridis went through while choosing which university he would attend. Explains the history of the University of Waterloo, its technological facilities at the time and … 17 $1.70 Add

Lines on the Land and Sea

From: North America's Arctic Borders

This chapter is an exploration of the historical definition of land and maritime boundaries in the North American North, as well as the related disputes that followed their delineation, … ; 22 $2.20 Add

Listening to the Voices of Women

From: The Time Has Come

In the second chapter, Kaufman uses the voices of women and their stories and experiences of living in a man’s world to better understand how issues such as male authority, male privilege, … 13 $1.56 Add

Living Conditions, Stress and the Human Body

From: About Canada: Health & Illness 2nd Edition

21 $2.10 Add

March 2020: The Pandemic Emerges

From: Spin Doctors

In this chapter, Loreto discusses the first Covid-19 cases in Canada and examines the way Covid-19 was portrayed by politicians and the media during this time. 21 $2.10 Add

Michelle Goldberg In Conversation With Rudyard Griffiths

From: Political Correctness

This reading consists of an interview between journalist Rudyard Griffiths and New York Times Columnist Michelle Goldberg prior to the Munk Debate on the Political Correctness. The topic of the … ; 7 $0.84 Add

Modernizing the Party: 2000–2008

From: From Layton to Singh

Chapter 1 examines the state of the New Democratic Party (NDP) as it entered into the twenty-first century. The chapter covers topics including a brief history of the NDP, the NDP’s success … 23 $2.30 Add

Mussolini the Provident and Prudential

Was the Duce the first man to give Italians pensions?

From: Mussolini Also Did A Lot of Good

This chapter examines Mussolini’s regime’s activity in the fields of social security and in labour issues. The author refutes the idea that Mussolini was the first man to give … 18 $1.80 Add

Neoliberal Migration Takes Hold

From: Essential Work Disposable Workers

This chapter focuses on four countries in the Global South to illustrate how the implementation of neoliberal policies has not led to development but has turned them into major labour-exporting … 15 $1.50 Add

Organizing the Contending Masses

From a Struggle With to a Struggle Against Capitalism

From: Challenging the Right, Augmenting the Left

The Search for Potential Anti-Capitalist Forces – A Radicalizing Detroit – Conclusions 12 $1.20 Add