Political Science

Showing 625–640 of 3207 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Why Is It So Difficult to Change Policing?

From: Crisis in Canada's Policing

This chapter addresses some key issues and outlines the various elements that make up police culture. ; 34 $3.40 Add

Why Me? Why You?

Part 1. Who Gets to Lead?

From: Women Winning Office

In <Why Me? Why You? Nash explores the the challenges surrounding turning ones’ activism and passion into concrete change. The chapter explores why ambition, competition and … 6 $0.60 Add

Why Now Is the Time

From: Power Trap

Examines why now is the time for progressives to break free of the power trap involved in having two progressive parties through analysis of the economy and economic policy, what conservatives … 32 $3.20 Add

Why Voting Systems Matter

From: The Politics of Voting

Analysis of different voting systems in support of an argument that a choice of voting system has an effect on political results. 14 $1.40 Add

Will the TPP be Good for Canadian Trade?

From: The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Canada

Claims the TPP will generate significant trade benefits for Canada are unfounded. Canada already has tariff-free access to most of the TPP region. 24 $2.40 Add

Young Hannah

From: On Love and Tyranny

This chapter describes Hannah Arendt’s birth of a middle-class Jewish family, her parents’ interest in society and politics, and the early loss of her father to syphilis. It also … 11 $1.10 Add

“The Tools You Need To Discover Who Your Are”

Aboriginal Learners in Selected Adult Learning Centre in Winnipeg

From: In Their Own Voices

; 26 $3.38 Add

“This Sorry Scheme of Things” – What Has Gone Wrong with our Sentate?

From: A People's Senate For Canada

16 $1.60 Add

"Just watch me"

Irreconcilable politics of multiculturalism and racial justice in times of genocide

From: The Trudeau Record

This chapter analyzes the Trudeau government’s policies of multiculturalism and anti-racism and its record on racial justice at home and abroad. 15 $1.50 Add

"Make the Energy Sector Great Again"

Extractive Populism in Saskatchewan

From: Divided

In this chapter, the authors explore the phenomenon of "extractive populism," which has become dominant in Western Canada. They suggest that the Saskatchewan government — under … ; 13 $1.30 Add

“It’s Prime Land, and Why Would They Leave That to Poor People?”

Vancouver's Little Mountain Housing

From: Good Places to Live

21 $2.10 Add

“Not Derived from the People”: Letter from the Fathers of Confederation to the British Colonial Secretary

From: Essential Readings in Canadian Government and Politics, 2nd Edition

1858 letter drafted by Alexander Galt to promote the idea that the constitution of the proposed Canadian confederation be derived from the Imperial Parliament rather than be based on the American … ; ; 2 $0.20 Add

“The Last Best West”:

The West in Confederation, 1869–1913

From: The Rise of the New West

Details the history of confederation giving a firm background, the winning of the west, the initial failure, and the success with the wheat boom 24 $2.40 Add

A Brief Introduction to Local Government

From: Local Government in Practice

This chapter orients the reader to the scope, brief history, language, legal frameworks, municipal structures and politics of local government in Canada. It also introduces the case study … ; ; 30 $3.00 Add

A Generation No One Was Counting On

From: In Defiance

The meetings at some schools attract thousands of students, and the debates about the strike heat up. This chapter asks why this particular generation of students became vocal and active so quickly. ; 9 $0.90 Add

A Global Ban on Nuclear Weapons

From: Peacemakers

Examines the development of the global ban on nuclear weapons, what it means and hopes to achieve, and the civil societies that make it their priority to ensure the ban stays 20 $2.00 Add