Political Science

Showing 753–768 of 3207 results

Title & Subtitle Abstract Contributors Pages Year Purchase

Professional Fault Lines

Nursing in Ontario after the Regulated Health Professions Act

From: Care and Consequences

; 23 $2.53 Add


From: Billion Dollar Start-Up

Prologue ; ; 4 $0.40 Add

Protecting Canadian investors, with a catch

From: Sold Down the Yangtze

The FIPA does provide stronger protection for Canadian investors in China but here Van Harten outlines why they are not strong protections 6 $0.60 Add

Railway Makeover

From: The Lac-Mégantic Rail Disaster

Discusses the privatization of CN Rail, and the impact of NAFTA on rail regulations. Identifies why privatized rail firms cut staffing levels, how the federal government allowed private rail … 13 $1.30 Add

Regime Change

From: Washington's Long War on Syria

Two forces sought to topple the secular Arab nationalists of Ba’athist Syria, each for its own, and separate reasons. Both forces were equally determined to end the influence of secular … 31 $3.10 Add

Reinventing Socialism and Recovering Marx

From: 21st Century Socialism

15 $1.65 Add

Returning the Collection

From: Decolonize Museums

In Chapter One: Returning the Collection, Lee investigates museum collections across Europe and North America and their immense stockpiles of treasures pilfered from former colonies and … 57 $5.70 Add

Robert Latimer:

Justice Goes Awry — 1993

From: The Right to Die

The Robert Latimer story was one of the most widely covered news stories in Canadian history. It is a story, unlike some of the previous ones, where the justice system found no way of mitigating … 17 $1.70 Add

Roncarelli v. Duplessis, 1959

From: The Court and the Charter

A majority of the Supreme Court of Canada held that the Quebec premier was liable under the Civil Code for damages for purporting to authorize and instruct the manager of the Quebec Liquor … ; ; ; 6 $0.60 Add

Safer Child Protection

From: Early Intervention

social responsibility and child protection 28 $2.80 Add

Send in the Think Tanks to Win the Battle of Ideas

From: Harperism

focuses on Brian Lee Crowley, his neoliberal ideas, and the think tank he founded 39 $3.90 Add


From: The Memory We Could Be

No matter where we may be, we are inseparable from nature. We live in nature, we live with nature, we rely on nature, and we are part of nature. Yet our language hides this. When we use words … 13 $1.30 Add

Signposts towards democratic socialism

From: The Socialist Challenge Today

; 11 $1.10 Add


Touchstone of Imperialism

From: Slouching Towards Sirte

In Chapter Two Sirte: Touchstone of Imperialism, Forte examines how Sirte represented a post-colonial Libya, as the seat of the Al-Fateh Revolution and later the focus of international attention … 68 $6.80 Add

Sociological Conceptions of the State

From: State Theories Third Edition

; 17 $1.70 Add

Sources of hope

life before capitalism

From: SOS

Chapter 1 explores what life was like before Capitalism, discussing the rise of capitalism, human happiness, Anthropology, hunter-gatherers and primitive communism, the commons, pre-capitalist … 9 $0.90 Add