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ISBN: 9781771134545


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A Beauty that Hurts

Life and Death in Guatemala

When A Beauty That Hurts first appeared in 1995, Guatemala was one of the world’s most flagrant violators of human rights. An accord brokered by the United Nations brought a measure of peace after three decades of armed conflict, but the country’s troubles are far from over. George Lovell revisits Guatemala to grapple once again with the terror inflicted on its Maya peoples by a military-dominated state.


W. George Lovell

W. George Lovell is professor emeritus of geography at Queen's University.

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
Introduction written by W. George Lovell
7 $0.70
Understanding acronyms used within the book
2 $0.20
Map for locations referenced throughout book
1 $0.10
In this chapter, Lovell explores the story of Genaro Castañeda as a Q’anjob’al Mayan and his journey from Guatemala to Canada.
14 $1.40
In this chapter, Lovell explores the life story of Rigoberta Menchú and the controversy that arose from her writings.
9 $0.90
In this chapter, Lovell discusses a case of mistaken identity, the chaos that ensued, and the story of a man forced to reinvent himself.
6 $0.60
In this chapter, Lovell tells the story of Doña Magdalena, detailing the experiences and trauma she faced in Guatemala.
7 $0.70
In this chapter, Lovell discusses the tragic case of Beatriz Eugenia Barrios Marroquin as told through Jean-Marie Simon’s book on Guatemala.
3 $0.30
In this chapter, Lovell discusses three features by Montreal filmmaker Mary Ellen Davis which focus on the troubled past of Guatemala and what perceptions of the country might look like in the future.
5 $0.50
This chapter details the lack of news about Guatemala through Canadian news sources.
1 $0.10
In this chapter, Lovell discusses tragic cases of doctors, teachers, and journalists who faced violence in Guatemala.
8 $0.80
This chapter begins with Pope John Paul II’s visit to Guatemala in 1983 and a discussion of the supposed peace now in the country.
9 $0.90
This chapter discusses the call for violence in Guatemala to end and an exploration of Canada and the United States’ stance.
5 $0.50
In this chapter, Lovell discusses his arrival in Guatemala in 1985 just before the run-off election took place and the hope a civilian president gave to residents.
4 $0.40
This chapter discusses army rhetoric and examining what the role of an army should be in a country like Guatemala.
5 $0.50
In this chapter, Lovell discusses his visit to Guatemala in 1990 and gives social, political, and economic context to the state of the country at that time.
10 $1.00
This chapter discusses the complexity of democracy within Guatemala and details issues of mass poverty and human rights violations.
3 $0.30
This chapter discusses Ramiro de León Carpio being elected as president in 1993, the fall of his popularity and detailing his first year in office.
4 $0.40
In this chapter, Lovell discusses the root cause of violence that was never explored in Guatemala and the problems this created for trust in Ramiro de León Carpio’s presidency.
6 $0.60
This chapter features a collection of photographs from around Guatemala.
13 $1.30
This chapter details shortcomings with The Peace Accord.
4 $0.40
This chapter discusses Juan Geradi and an examination of the Recovery of Historical Memory (REMHI) project which he led.
6 $0.60
This chapter discusses the REMHI report in relation to the Truth Commission (CEH) and the CEH’s chief coordinator Christian Tomuschat.
5 $0.50
This chapter details findings of the Truth Commission, its consequences, and a dossier that reveals the fate of 183 abducted individuals.
4 $0.40
This chapter discusses Guatemala’s justice system and the issues within it.
5 $0.50
This chapter discusses the presidency of Alfonso Portillo and his abuse of power.
5 $0.50
This chapter discusses the presidency of Óscar Berger and the lack of progress for peace in Guatemala.
5 $0.50
This chapter discusses the presidency of Álvaro Colom and his ultimate arrest.
3 $0.30
This chapter discusses the presidency of Perez Molina, which became synonymous with corruption and scandals.
7 $0.70
This chapter details the colonial experience in Guatemala and ethnic division.
13 $1.30
This chapter is an exploration of the independence of Guatemala from under Spanish rule from 1821 onwards.
13 $1.30
This chapter deals with the importance of the Arbenz period through the presidency of Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán and the agrarian issues that arose.
6 $0.60
This chapter discusses The National Police Historical Archive (AHPN) and the fight to hold them accountable for their actions.
9 $0.90
This chapter explores the ever-evolving daily life of indigenous Guatemalans as it is shaped by tourism and change.
6 $0.60
In this chapter, the author explores the traditions and daily life of Guatemals’s backcountry.
4 $0.40
In the epilogue, Lovell summarize the recent history of Guatemala and the themes of the book.
5 $0.50
Sources and Commentary
31 $3.10
14 $1.40