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ISBN: 9781771135016-14

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Art Contra Politics

Liberal Spectacle, Fascist Resurgence


From: Spectres of Fascism


This chapter explores the politicization of art as spectacle. In particular the author focuses on it’s use as advertising and commodity.



Johan F. Hartle

Johan F. Hartle, DPhil, is Rector at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna and Adjunct Professor for Philosophy and Art Theory at the School of Intermedia Art (SIMA) at the China Academy of Art (CAA) in Hangzhou, China. After finishing his dissertation at the University of Münster in 2005, he has been Visiting Research Scholar at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem, and the Università Roma Tre, Rome. His general field of research is legacy of Marxism in contemporary aesthetic and cultural theories and institutional theories of art. His book publications include: Der geöffnete Raum. Zur Politik der ästhetischen Form (Fink, 2006); Beate Geissler & Oliver Sann: Personal Kill (Moderne Kunst, 2010); Rainer Ganahl and Johan Frederik Hartle, eds., Dadalenin (Edition Taube, 2013); Johan Frederik Hartle and Thijs Lijster, eds., De Kunst van kritiek. Adorno in Context (Octavo, 2015); Samir Gandesha and Johan Frederik Hartle, eds., Spell of Capital: Reification and Spectacle (Amsterdam, 2017); and Aesthetic Marx (Bloomsbury, 2017). He is currently finishing a book on the visual culture of Red Vienna (Die Sichtbarkeit des Proletariats).