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ISBN: 9781551528601-13

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Borrowed Wisdom

Using Lessons from Queer History and Community in Suicide Intervention

From: The Care We Dream Of


Drawing on twenty years doing suicide intervention in her communities, and five years teaching about it, the author outlines six lessons she hopes can guide the reader when supporting someone who is feeling suicidal, whether as a layperson caring for a friend, or a health care worker supporting LGBTQ+ communities (or anyone in between): 1. Silence = Death, 2. Binaries are bullshit, 3. Bodies are wise, 4. Consent changes everything and boundaries are trust-building, 5. Police do not protect us, 6. We can (and we must) build a better world.



Carly Boyce

Carly Boyce spends most of their time piecing quilts, leaving lipstick marks on taboos, and prying open binaries like oysters. They strive to be both soft and sharp and turn this energy toward their work as a therapist, facilitator, cultural producer, and community organizer. Carly is a fat femme, a genderqueer leatherdyke, an old millennial, a politicized healing worker, and an Ashkenazi Jewish witch, and knits these lineages together in their work, which hangs out in the overlapping part of the Venn diagram of personal healing and collective liberation. Their zine helping your friends who sometimes wanna die maybe not die (and more about their work) can be found at and you can follow them on Instagram @tiny.lantern. Carly is based in Toronto/Tkaronto but maintains a long-distance romance with the Pacific.