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ISBN: 9780865719927-01

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Chapter 1: The Lens of Upfront Carbon


From: The Story of Upfront Carbon


What is upfront carbon, and why is it so important? For decades we have been preoccupied with energy consumption, but since the Paris Accord of 2015 we have had to pivot to concern about carbon emissions, and in particular, those that happen upfront when making things, the emissions that happen before you get the keys to your home or open the box with your new iPhone. And the best way to avoid those emissions is to make less stuff. Instead of worrying about efficiency, we worry about sufficiency, or asking, what is enough?



Lloyd Alter

Lloyd Alter is a writer, public speaker, architect, inventor, and Adjunct Professor of Sustainable Design at Toronto Metropolitan University. He has published many thousands of articles on diverse platforms such as TreeHugger, Planet Green, and The Guardian. Lloyd is the author of Living the 1.5 Degree Lifestyle. He lives in Toronto, Ontario.