Chapter 4: The Capitalists’ Nanny State


From: The Killer's Henchman


This chapter continues to explore the capitalist state and how it fucntions to support and facilitate the business-based upper class and its accumulation of the wealth that is produced by the labor of the employees of the enterprises the upper class owns and controls. It explores history, the demise of the Soviet Union, geopolitics, military culture and spending, and other topics.



Stephen Gowans

Stephen Gowans is an independent political analyst and writer whose principal interest is how public and foreign policy is formulated, particularly in the United States. His writings, which appear on his What’s Left blog, have been reproduced widely in online and print media in many languages and have been cited in academic journals and other scholarly works. He is the author of three acclaimed books Washington’s Long War on Syria (2017), Patriots, Traitors and Empires, The Story of Korea’s Struggle for Freedom (2018), and Israel, A Beachhead in the Middle East (2019) all published by Baraka Books. He lives in Ottawa, Canada.