Chapter Four: The Renfrew County Inquest


From: Murder in Renfrew County


This chapter describes the Renfrew County inquest, including the three parties that were given standing to cross examine, and the jurors selected. Like the two former inquests, this was not about establishing guilt but rather about focusing on the dynamics of gender based intimate partner violence in rural communities Through this inquest it was revealed there were over one hundred instances where intervention could have taken place with Basil Borutski, the lack of which allowed him to escalate his violence without consequence.



Dean Beeby

DEAN BEEBY is an investigative journalist and author. Born in Halifax, he was Atlantic bureau chief for The Canadian Press news agency before his transfer to Ottawa, where he later worked in the Parliamentary bureau of the CBC. An expert in the use of freedom of information laws, he has authored several books, including one about the RCMP, a focus of his investigative journalism. His book about the Renfrew County murders is set to be published in the spring of 2024. He lives and works in Ottawa.