
Publication Year


Completing the Vision:

Achieving the Second Stage of Medicare

From: Medicare


Looks at the original vision for Medicare in Saskatchewan, how the system as worked where implemented properly, how the second stage has been left out of implementation in many places, and analyzes what the second stage would look like in the 21st century and the princibles and instrumentation princibles needed to make it a reality



Michael Rachlis

Michael M. Rachlis practised family medicine at the South Riverdale Community Centre in Toronto from 1976 to 1984. He completed a residency in community medicine at McMaster University in 1988. Dr. Rachlis currently practises as a private consultant in health policy analysis. He has lectured widely on health care issues and has appeared before Canadian parliamentary and US congressional committees. He is a well known media commentator, and has authored three national best-selling books on Canada’s health care system. His most recent book is Prescription for Excellence: How Innovation is Saving Canada’s Health Care System (HarperCollins, 2005).