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Towards better political decisions-and then what?

From: Too Dumb for Democracy?


In the Conclusion, the author reflects on his hopes for the book. In this century, we face the threats of climate change and the disasters that flow from it — such as flooding, drought, extreme storms — as well as the crises those disasters will generate, including famine, potable water shortages, and refugee crises. We also face the violent threats of conventional or nuclear war and terrorism at home and abroad. We live with massive and persistent inequality. And, of course, there are always important debates over moral issues that affect how we live together — who is “in” and who is “out” in our society, and whether we can even keep the whole thing together. On top of all that are the many other more mundane but important issues that that he has raised, such as taxation, housing policy, transportation, education, military spending, and even food safety. The truth is that you never know when a good political decision will save the day, or when a bad one will cause immediate and potentially cascading harm. But we do know that, in the long run, the survival of democracy and of the human species depends on making good political decisions. So let’s get to it.



David Moscrop

David Moscrop is a political theorist with an interest in democratic deliberation and citizenship. Moscrop is a regular writer for Maclean’s, a contributing columnist to the Washington Post, and a regular political commentator on television and radio. He has also authored pieces in numerous other newspapers and magazines including the Globe and Mail and National Post.