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ISBN: 9781459417656-11


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A Homelessness Prevention Agenda


From: Ending Homelessness in Canada


In the conclusion James Hughes reiterates the need for systemic change to prevent homelessness. In his word " preventing homelessness requires the implementation of a range of diverse system changes that all start with better methods to identify homelessness risk" he re asserts the solutions offered in the chapter before and affirms that while solutions are in place more are needed and the time for action is now.



James Hughes

James Hughes is the CEO of Montreal’s Old Brewery Mission, the largest organization serving homeless people in Quebec. His previous roles include serving as an executive with the McConnell Family Foundation, president of the Graham Boeckh Foundation, and deputy minister of the Department of Social Development in New Brunswick. His previous books include Early Intervention (Lorimer 2015) and Beyond Shelters (Lorimer 2018). He lives in Montreal, Quebec.