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ISBN: 9781773632094-10

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Critical Love Letter to the PSUW

From: Labour in Canada Cracking Labour's Glass Ceiling


Cindy and Adriane conclude the book with a Critical Love Letter about women’s labour education in general and specific points about the PSUW. They take a feminist view of the historical and conceptual roots of women’s labour education in the contemporary form, all the while asking, is this what was intended? Are there things that we could be doing differently? What lessons can be learned from the record of existing schools? Taking such a critical view was, for the co-authors, part of putting theory into action – the praxis that Paula Freire (2000) advocated and that should not be ignored in the practice of popular and political education.

There is no doubt that this collection is just a beginning. The author’s hope it will inspire active dialogue about and development of new and exciting programs in methodologies. While each of us is justly proud of the program we created or worked with, all contributors to this book wish to see creative variation rather than rote imitation. Organized labour and social justice organizations (in Canada, in the United States and globally) continue to buzz with learning activities. This book hopes in can be of interest and use to educators seeking to build more inclusive, vibrant movements.



Cindy Hanson

Cindy Hanson is an associate professor of adult education at the University of Regina.

Adriane Paavo

Adriane Paavo is one of the founders of the Prairie School for Union Women.