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Cure for Hate

A Former White Supremacist's Journey from Violent Extremism to Radical Compassion

How does an affluent, middle-class, private-school-attending son of a doctor end up at the Aryan Nations compound in Idaho, falling in with and then recruiting for some of the most notorious neo-Nazi groups in Canada and the United States?

The Cure for Hate paints a very human picture of a young man who craved attention, acceptance, and approval and the dark place he would go to get it. Tony McAleer found an outlet for his teenage rage in the street violence of the skinhead scene. He then grew deeply involved in the White Aryan Resistance (WAR), rising through the ranks to become a leader, and embraced technology and the budding internet to bring white nationalist propaganda into the digital age. After fifteen years in the movement, it was the outpouring of love he felt at the birth of his children that inspired him to start questioning his hateful beliefs. Thus began the spiritual journey of personal transformation that enabled him to disengage from the highest levels of the white power movement.

This incisive book breaks commonly held stereotypes and delivers valuable insights into how regular people are drawn to violent extremism, how the ideology takes hold, and the best ways to help someone leave hate behind. In his candid and introspective memoir, Tony shares his perspective gleaned from over a thousand hours of therapy, group work, and facilitating change in others that reveals the deeper psychological causes behind racism. At a period in history when instances of racial violence are on the upswing, The Cure for Hate demonstrates that in a society frighteningly divided by hate and in need of healing, perhaps atonement, forgiveness, and most importantly, radical compassion is the cure.


Tony McAleer

Tony McAleer is an international speaker, change maker, and father of two. As co-founder of the nonprofit organization Life After Hate, he has made it his mission to help people leave hate groups. The Cure for Hate is his first book. He lives in Vancouver.
Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Daisy Khan explains how Tony McAleer is a reliable guide through the important story of how a person can arrive at extremist views and then move toward compassion, wisdom and forgiveness. 2 $0.20


Dõv Baron describes a pivotal moment of transformation he witnessed in the journey of the author, and welcomes the reader into ideas about how they might best make use of the book. 3 $0.30


The author traces the aspects of his early childhood that in his view led him to become a white supremacist, including a pivotal moment of betrayal from his father. 12 $1.20


This chapter describes aspects of the author’s school career that may have contributed to his violent, white-supremacist views, including school beatings, defiant behavior, expulsions, and … 14 $1.40


This chapter further traces the punk and skinhead identity development and community formation of the author in Vancouver, as well as explores his increasing use of masks and justification of … 25 $2.50


In this chapter, the author describes his continued development into a white supremacist via connecting with other skinheads and white supremacists internationally, across Canada and into the … 9 $0.90


The author details his experiences in the Aryan Nations group and subsequent groups that emerged from it, such as the Order, which believed in ideas such as white genocide. He charts his growing … 19 $1.90


This chapter begins with a glimpse of a personal change of heart when the author’s daughter is born, but then moves on to detail how he started the Canadian Liberty Net, a tool to spread … 13 $1.30


In this chapter, the white supremacist activities of the author garner attention from the Canadian Human Rights Commission, leading to jail time just as his son was born. He continues to … 15 $1.50


The author describes his slow disenchantment and disengagement with the white supremacist communities as his partnership broke up and he became a single parent. He examines how his shift in … 16 $1.60


This chapter continues to detail the changes in the views of the author, including the impact of Vipassana meditation and the radical compassion of a new counselor, mentor and friend. He … 20 $2.00


The author continues his journey to understanding how the impacts of his actions during his extremist phase still cause harm and begins to take proactive, positive steps toward healing and … 19 $1.90


In this chapter, the author takes a closer look at his Holocaust denial in light of his new perspectives and abilities to acknowledge pain, that of himself and of others, with compassion. He is … 20 $2.00


The author shares the details of how the project Life After Hate helps people leave extremist ideologies. 15 $1.50


In the final chapter, the author points out how extremism continues to spread, how to recognize the core ingredients that helps it to spread, and the role of each individual to preventing the … 9 $0.90


- 2 $0.20


- 1 $0.10