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ISBN: 9781773634807-13

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Division and Privilege in Our Advocacy

From: Divided


This essay, written by an Indigenous advocate who was adopted into a white family, examines the divides within the left-wing advocacy groups who are fighting back against Saskatchewan’s rightward surge.



Cora Sellers

Cora Sellers has worked in the area of community development/advocacy in Regina, specifically focusing on Indigenous social/economic issues for twenty years. She is currently senior director of housing for the Regina YWCA. Sellers contributed to Beyond Homelessness: Solutions to Homelessness in Canada, edited by James Hughes in 2018, authoring a chapter titled “The Community Hub.” As an interracially adopted Inuit woman growing up and living in Regina, she has a unique, painful and honest perspective on the polarization that exists in our province, having lived between worlds. In her daily work, she has witnessed the effects of colonization, including the polarized divide that leads to the poverty, violence, homelessness, addictions and mental health issues that Indigenous people valiantly struggle against every day.