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Doctors in Denial

Why Big Pharma and the Canadian Medical Profession are Too Close for Comfort

Examines the relationship between the Canadian medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry, and explains how doctors have become dependents of the drug companies instead of champions of patients’ health. Offers concrete proposals to reduce or eliminate the conflicts of interest that exist in the relationship between health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry.


Joel Lexchin MD

JOEL LEXCHIN, MD, is an internationally-recognized expert in pharmaceutical policy. He received his MD from the University of Toronto and has spent over thirty years working as an emergency physician in the Toronto area. He taught health policy and is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Health Policy and Management at York University. He has been an advocate for change in pharmaceutical policy for thirty-five years, has appeared before numerous parliamentary committees, and has authored or co-authored over 150 articles about all aspects of how medicines are developed and used.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Provides an overview of the medical industry in Canada paying particular attention to the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Outlines and examines critically the different opinions … 14 $1.40


Outlines how the alliance between the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community developed; economics, Medicare and patents were factors. 15 $1.50


Describes how the alliance between the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry developed in the period from the 1960s to 2015. 27 $2.70


Discusses the relationship between medical journals and the pharmaceutical industry. Discusses the push back of medical journals towards the pharmaceutical industry in more recent years and … 37 $3.70


Describes and analyzes the money received by academic health science centres from the pharmaceutical industry for research and the conflicts that this money may create. 32 $3.20


Examines the impact of the conflicts of interest that occur when Canadian researchers and Canadian medical societies rely on pharmaceutical companies for favours, trips, and research funding. 31 $3.10


Discusses the development of ethical guidelines regarding the pharmaceutical industry by medical organizations by five organizations: the Canadian Medical Association, the College of Physicians … 39 $3.90


Examines the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on medical education in Canada. 28 $2.80


Discusses the various forms of interactions that pharmaceutical companies have with individual doctors in Canada, and how this impacts the health care they provide to their patients. 32 $3.20


Discusses whether patient care is negatively affected by the interactions that pharmaceutical companies have with the medical profession. 23 $2.30


Outlines the needed reforms to the interactions between the pharmaceutical industry and the medical profession, outlining industry’s role, government’s role, and the medical … 45 $4.50


In this personal account Dr. Brian Goldman explains his relationship with Purdue Pharma Canada and how he played a major role as a promoter of OxyContin, for chronic pain, falsely claiming that … 8 $0.80