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ISBN: 9780864929945

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Dispatches from the War on Feminism

From pop icons to working mothers, women are abandoning feminism in unprecedented numbers. Even scarier, they are also leading the charge to send it to its grave. Across North America, women head anti-feminist PR campaigns; they support anti-feminist politicians; they’re behind lawsuits to silence the victims of campus rape; they participated in Gamergate, the violent, vitriolic anti-women-in-technology movement; and they’re on the frontlines of the fight to end abortion rights. Everywhere we turn there’s evidence an anti-feminist bomb has exploded, sometimes detonated by the unlikeliest suspects. Between women who say they don’t need feminism and women who can’t agree on what feminism should be, the challenges of fighting for gender equality have never been greater.


Lauren McKeon

Lauren McKeon was the editor of Canada's progressive, independent This Magazine from 2011 to 2016. While at This, Lauren helmed one of the bestselling issues in recent years, "Why Canada Need More Feminism," and also organized a sold-out event on the topic, which headlined a diverse, intersectional roster of speakers. Before leading "This," Lauren worked as a reporter, editor and writer in the North for several years, living in Yellowknife and travelling Canada's territories and northern Alberta.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


In this chapter, the author confronts the dangerous 21st century myth that the push for gender equality has been a success and that the struggle is over. She argues that this is in no way the … 24 $2.40


In this chapter, the author discusses the plurality of definitions that are assigned to feminism by different groups and the often intergenerational conflict that occurs between movements with … 25 $2.50


This chapter discusses sexist behaviour on Canadian university campuses and the push against feminism by progressive movements. 19 $1.90


This chapter discusses the involvment of women in the leadership and founding of Mens Rights Advocacy groups. 25 $2.50


This chapter discusses the nostalgia-fueled revival of 20th century gender norms and the way in which the role of the housewife has come back into vogue. 29 $2.90


This chapter discusses the ways in which workplaces remain far from equal into the 21st century. 27 $2.70


This chapter discusses the ways in which anti-feminists have narrowed the definition of rape to delegitimize the experiences of countless victims. 31 $3.10


This chapter discusses the ways that the 21st century anti-abortion movement has rebranded itself from being pro-life to being pro-woman. The author also discusses the high engagement of youth in … 24 $2.40


In this chapter the author profiles young women who are the new generation of the feminist movemnt. 23 $2.30


In this chapter the author proposes ways for the feminist movement to grow and evolve in the 21st century. 16 $1.60


Epilogue 9 $0.90