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ISBN: 9781773631912-19

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Finding Foucault: Critical Ideas to Transform How We Think and Act

Section 7: Poststructuralism: Language, Discourse, Power


From: Critical Social Work Praxis


This chapter focuses on the ideas of Michel Foucault (1926–1984), a preeminent French philosopher and historian well known for challenging the key tenets of Marxism and structuralism and presenting novel ways for thinking about power, knowledge, discourse and subjectivity. In this chapter, the author examines Foucault’s formulation of “power/knowledge” and discourse, some of his main concepts and publications and the critiques and conversations his scholarship continue to inspire. Foucault’s counterintuitive histories, ideas and concepts offer stirring insights into the world of theory and social work’s role in the management of populations, institutions and the self.



Anne O’Connell

Anne O’Connell is an associate professor at the School of Social Work, York University. Her interests include critical and post theories, teaching, writing and caring for family and community.