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ISBN: 9781771861496-05

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Franco-Americans Rescue King Cotton

SECTION TWO - The other side of the cotton

From: A Distinct Alien Race


This chapter further explores Franco-American history and the role that this group played in the cotton textile industry in America. It discusses the early and later mass emigration movements from Québec to New England and how the Québec diaspora spread and settled in the U.S.. It then further discusses the history of the textile industry and divisions of labour in mills. It also touches on the Civil War and how it destabilized the cotton industry’s labour markets, as well as the role of Canadiens in this conflict. Other topics include child labour, Franco-American experiences in the industry, work conditions, and labour movements/strikes in the mills.



David Vermette

David Vermette is a researcher, writer, and speaker on the history and identity of the descendants of French North America. He was born and raised in Massachusetts.