Fuelling America

From: Tar Sands Showdown


This chapter argues that the prime reason for the rapid development of the tar sands is to provide a secure source of oil supplies for the US. Its sections are (a) America’s oil addiction: as US oil sources become depleted, the US’s strategy is to increase dependency on foreign supplies through imports rather than to reduce domestic oil consumption; (b) national security: how energy security has become the numberone priority of national security and how the US military is geared to secure control over foreign oil sources and protect supply routes; (c) energy satellite: how Canada’s role, through the development of the tar sands, is to be an energy satellite or colony of the US.



Tony Clarke

TONY CLARKE is the founder and director of the Polaris Institute in Ottawa, an organization dedicated to developing tools and strategies for civic action on major public policy issues, including energy security, water rights, and free trade. He holds a doctorate from the University of Chicago, has written numerous books, and is the recipient of Sweden's Right Livelihood Award, the "alternative Nobel Prize." Among his most recent books is Blue Gold: The Fight to Stop the Corporate Theft of the World's Water with Maude Barlow.