Fundamental Law for Journalists


Journalists will come across many arcane and sometimes obtuse legal concepts in the course of their work. Law is not an intuitive thing. It has developed over a millennium, and its basic rules often don’t seem logical — or even fair. Fundamental Law for Journalists gives journalists a primer on criminal and civil law, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, public law, legal research tools, and basic procedure. This book also examines the newest media source protection laws, defamation defences, and the laws against strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPPs). Author Mark Bourrie has created this book as a guide to help journalists get the law right.

It’s also useful for editors, students, politically involved Canadians — including legislative assistants and activists — and anyone else who wants to know the legal rules that we live by.


Mark Bourrie

Mark Bourrie holds a master’s degree in journalism and a PhD in media history (with a thesis on press censorship in the Second World War), as well as completing a diploma program in public policy and a Juris Doctor degree. He was a journalist from 1978 until 2017. His newspaper journalism appeared in most major Canadian papers, and his magazine articles were published by, among others, Toronto Life, Saturday Night, Maclean’s, Canadian Business, Canadian Lawyer, The National, and Ottawa Magazine. Mark won a National Magazine Award and was a four-time nominee. He was also nominated for a National Newspaper Award and won several Ontario Newspaper Awards. Mark taught journalism and media studies at Concordia University from 2007–2009. In 2020, he was awarded the RBC Charles Taylor Prize for literary non-fiction for his bestselling book Bush Runner: The Adventures of Pierre-Esprit Radisson. Mark is a member of the bar of Ontario, concentrating on cases that have a nexus between law and politics, and on media law. He continues to write non-fiction books and rather infrequent op-ed pieces.
Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
5 $0.50
Chapter One provides a brief overview for understanding where the law comes from and breaks down the sources of these laws. Topics discussed include Indigenous law and government, the Indian Act, …
13 $1.30
Chapter Two focuses on the process of policies becoming law. Topics addressed include the legislative process, the types of bills (Public and Private Bills), the timing of Bills, the …
12 $1.20
Chapter three explores the court system and how it operates in Canada. Topics discussed include Judges, Lawyers, Court Staff, Juries, the Courts (The Supreme Court of Canada, Federal Courts, …
18 $1.80
Chapter Four focuses on researching legal issues. Topics addressed include Legal Research, CanLII, Primary Law, Federal and Provincial Tribunals, CanLII Connects, Court Web Pages, Law Firm Web …
12 $1.20
Chapter Five explains the Criminal Law System. Topics discussed include concepts in Criminal Law (Voluntariness, Causation, Strict Liability, Subjective, and Objective Mens Rea), murder, intent, …
48 $4.80
Chapter Six explores the Civil Law System. Topics addressed include Common Law, contracts, negligence and accidents, intentional torts, free expression and defamation, anti-SLAPP Law, and time …
67 $6.70
Chapter Seven examines the Justice System and the Media. Topics discussed include breaches of Injunction and contempt, publication bans and other restrictions, what to do if you are arrested, the …
18 $1.80