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ISBN: 9781773631912-08

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Genocide Prevention: A Forgotten Obligation in Social Work?

Section 3: Rights-Based Approaches


From: Critical Social Work Praxis


This chapter reflects on the place of human rights in social work theory. The author uses a human rights angle to explore and reflect on social work’s role in what she call a cold genocide of the spiritual practitioners of Falun Gong. She looks at the context of this genocide and adopts two human rights instruments — the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the Human Development Report (1994) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to examine the issue in relation to social work’s values. She also explores the inertia of the social work profession’s response to this genocide and how complicity can be prevented.



Maria Cheung

Maria Cheung’s research is on human rights in China and the intersection with international development in social work. She has conducted research and published on the discrimination and marginalization of, and recently on the genocide of, the spiritual minority group Falun Gong.