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Guthrie’s Guide to Better Legal Writing, 2nd Edition


Lawyers like to think they are good writers. Their non-lawyer readers are more likely to describe their writing as turgid, pedantic, Latin-filled, jargon-ridden, misspelt, ungrammatical, and inelegant. Guthrie’s Guide to Better Legal Writing won’t solve all your problems, but it will help you make your prose clear, correct, and compelling. The focus is on communicating more effectively in email, letters, memos, blog posts, client updates, and social media, but there are some pointers on contractual drafting and written advocacy as well. A bit of strategy, some grammar and spelling, and a lot of style. The second edition of Guthrie’s Guide incorporates significant new material based on reader queries and the author’s on-going review of the legal writing that crosses his desk and screen.


Neil Guthrie

Neil Guthrie is a lawyer and writer. He was educated at the universities of Toronto (BA, LLB) and Oxford (D Phil). He is director of professional development, research, and knowledge management at Aird & Berlis LLP.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Advice for Associate and Students, Some Guidance for the Reluctant Legal Blogger, Think of Your Reader, Keep Your Cultural References Current and Universal, Plagiarism, Catchy Headlines and … 73 $7.30


Gruesome Twosomes, That and Which, Waffle, Awful Lawerisms aka Legalese, However, Said Same Such, Shall Will Should Would May Might Must, And/Or, And, Or, Only, the Lonely, Who and Whom, All Well … 93 $9.30


Avoid the Adverb, Apostrophe Catastrophes, Take a Pass on the Passive, Get Your Pronouns Right, Split Infinitives: or, Star Trek, You Have a Lot to Answer For, Comma Conundrums, Comma Problems, … 69 $6.90


What’s with "Esquire"?, Begin a sentence with "And" or "But"?, How many spaces after the period at the end of a sentence?, Farther/Further and Less/Fewer?, Use … 22 $2.20