
Publication Year


Health Care Reform As If Women Mattered

From: Medicare


Examines Health Care Reform from the perspective of women. Concludes that planning for care means planning with women in mind, not only for the sake of the women, but also for the sake of the system as a whole. Such planning could make care more efficient as well as more effective.



Pat Armstrong

Pat Armstrong has served as chair of the Department of Sociology at York University, and the director of Canadian Studies at Carleton University. She is a partner in the National Network on Environment and Women’s Health and chairs a working group on health reform that crosses the Centres of Excellence for Women’s Health. She is also a site director for the Ontario Training Centre in Health Services and Policy Research and a board member of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. She is co-author or editor of many books including:Women and Health Care Reform in Canada; Caring For/Caring About:Women, Home Care and Unpaid Caregiving; Heal Thyself: Managing Health Care Reform; Wasting Away:The Undermining of Canadian Health Care;Vital Signs: Nursing in Transition; andTake Care:Warning Signals for Canada’s Health System.