
Publication Year


How to Protect a Public Health Care System

From: Medicare


Examines the two competeing ideologies in the debate about the roles of government and the private sector in the financing and delivery of health care. The two competing ideologies are the collectivist and the libertarian. The latter puts freedom of the individual from the restraints of government intervention as the primary goal of society. The competing collectivist ideology puts equality as the primary goal of social institutions and behaviour



Alan Maynard

Alan Maynard is a professor of health economics at the University of York, England. He was founding director of the Centre for Health Economics at the University of York (1983-95) and currently teaches economics in the Department of Health Sciences. He has written and/or edited a dozen books, the most recent of which is a collection of essays about national experiences of reform in countries including Canada and the US, entitled Public–Private Mix for Health: plus ca change; plus ca meme chose (Radcliffe, 2005). He is a specialist adviser to the Select Committee on Health of the UK House of Commons (since 2006) and has worked as a consultant in over two dozen countries for national and international agencies such as the World Bank.