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In a Queer Country

Gay and Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context

In terms of rights and freedoms for queers, Canada holds an international reputation as among the most liberal of nations. Yet this picture of harmonious gay and lesbian assimilation is nothing if not fractured and fraught with the contradictions of place, privilege, race, and gender. In a Queer Country is a ground-breaking collection of fourteen essays on the struggles, pleasures, and contradictions of queer culture and public life in Canada. Versed in queer social history as well as leading-edge gay and lesbian studies, queer theory, and post-colonial studies, In a Queer Country confronts queer culture from various perspectives relevant to international audiences. Topics range from the politics of the family and spousal rights to queer black identity, from pride parade fashions to lesbian park rangers. Specific essays include Tom Waugh (Hard to Imagine, Lust Unearthed (Arsenal), Outlines (Arsenal)) on Montreal and Toronto’s queer cinema of the ’60s and ’70s; Gary Kinsman’s critique of nationalism, both queer and Canadian; Lynn Fernie in an interview on her extraordinary award-winning documentary about lesbians in the 1950s, Forbidden Love; Elaine Pigeon on Michel Tremblay’s classic play Hosanna and its author’s attempts to mingle sexual, class and Quebec Nationalist politics; and Gordon Brent Ingram on nude beaches and aspects of gay male public space. Includes numerous photographs and illustrations. Lambda Literary Award Finalist.


Terry Goldie

Terry Goldie is the author of the memoir queersexlife (Arsenal Pulp Press) and the editor of the anthology In a Queer Country: Gay & Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context (Arsenal Pulp Press). His other books include Pink Snow: Homotextual Possibilities in Canadian Fiction (Broadview 2003), and Fear and Temptation: The Image of the Indigene in Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Literatures (McGill-Queen's, 1989). He is a professor of English at York University in Toronto, where he teaches Canadian and postcolonial literature with particular interest in gay studies and literary theory. Terry Goldie is the author of the memoir queersexlife (Arsenal Pulp Press) and the editor of the anthology In a Queer Country: Gay & Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context (Arsenal Pulp Press). His other books include Pink Snow: Homotextual Possibilities in Canadian Fiction (Broadview 2003), and Fear and Temptation: The Image of the Indigene in Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Literatures (McGill-Queen's, 1989). He is a professor of English at York University in Toronto, where he teaches Canadian and postcolonial literature with particular interest in gay studies and literary theory.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


Queer literature review; "Queer Country?" Conference (1996) 11 $0.11


"Queer Nation?" offer s an historical overview of gay and lesbian practices in Canada, with some suggestions that they reflect a nation al character. The approach of the article was … 25 $0.50


Elaine Pigeon’s "Hosanna! Michel Tremblay’s Queering of National Identity" treats the literary but also considers theatrical elements of Tremblay’s play. One central … 28 $0.56


Lynne Fernie, co-director with Aerlynn Weisman of the documentary, Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives emphasizes in the interview that the film was intended as a multiple … 25 $0.50


In this essay, Wesley Crichlow considers the various dynamics of closeting for black gay men from two cities and from a number of ethnicities. It is an example of contemporary developments in … 21 $0.42


Michelle K. Owen’s essay looks at what recently has become the most prominent aspect of this struggle for recognition. Owen ‘s response is informed and polemical; a scholarship that … 22 $0.44


Pauline Greenhill’s contributor’s biography reflects her subject position, unusual in this volume—what her essay describes as "token female heterosexual anthropological … 24 $0.48


Zoe Newman’s ‘The Bisexuality Wars: The Perils of Identity as Marginality" looks at differing views of sexual orientation, in particular the role of self-identified bisexuals in … 21 $0.42


James Allan’s "Imagining an Intercultural Nation: A Moment in Canadian Queer Cinema" explores three films of recent years which feature gay topics, Kanada by Mike Holboom, Love … 27 $0.54


Whether the discussion is of a queer nation or a queer country, citizenship must be a concern, but to follow the usual assumptions about the gay community, so must spectacle and display. bj … 20 $0.40


It is a common concern in literary studies of homosexuality to ascertain the sexuality of the author, but Glassco’s autobiographical Memoirs of Montparnasse presents a special case. Much … 18 $0.18


Gordon Brent Ingram turns to a place in which gay men both define their identities through an assertion of territory and engage in the sexuality that makes them what they are. This essay … 26 $0.52


In "Challenging Canadian and Queer Nationalisms," Gary Kinsman takes issue with the very idea of the conference, that there could be a specific relationship between gays and lesbians … 31 $0.93


In "Siting Lesbians: Urban Spaces and Sexuality," Catherine Nash discusses the complement to Ingram’s study. He considers gay males seeking pleasure in the wide outdoors while … 27 $0.54


There have been many studies that claim that homosexuals have long engaged in "reading" ‘each other, in finding elements of presentation, which show "I am what you are." … 33 $0.99


Thomas Waugh’s "Fairy Tales of Two Cities: Queer Nation(s)-National Cinema(s)" considers examples from a past when Canadian cinema in general was defining itself, in response to … 26 $0.52