
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781552213889-04


Insurable Interest

From: Insurance Law, 2/e


Definition and policy considerations underlying the concept of insurable interest, including a discussion of insuring beyond one’s interest.



Denis Boivin

Denis Boivin is a full professor at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law. He teaches Insurance Law, Remedies, and Torts, and he has written four books and several articles on these subjects, in French and English. Professor Boivin is a graduate of the University of Ottawa (BSocSc, LLB) and of Yale University (LLM), a Fulbright Scholar, and the recipient of many awards for teaching and scholarship, including the Canadian Association of Law Teachers Award for Scholarly Writing and the University of Ottawa Prize for Excellence in Education. He acts as counsel for CazaSaikaley LLP, a local bilingual litigation boutique that offers services in civil, commercial, employment, and public law litigation. Professor Boivin is also a member of the Financial Services Tribunal of Ontario, and in this capacity, he has chaired many disciplinary hearings involving insurance agents and mortgage intermediaries.