Introduction and a Note on Language


From: Murder in Renfrew County


Author Dean Beeby takes the reader through his thoughts while working at the CBC Parliamentary Bureau as the case broke. Dean reflects on the incompetence of the justice system and how it failed the victims of Basil Borutski’s September 22nd attack in 2020. He uses this tragedy to talk about the books aim: "discuss how to preserve and safe guard the lives of women and specifically those in throws of intimate partner violence.”

Author Dean Beeby describes the language he uses and the terms he employs. He states that the term Intimate Partner Violence has come to replace the outdated term Domestic Violence and acknowledges that while Intimate partner violence doesn’t explicitly refer to the murder of women, the vas majority are women killed by men.



Dean Beeby

DEAN BEEBY is an investigative journalist and author. Born in Halifax, he was Atlantic bureau chief for The Canadian Press news agency before his transfer to Ottawa, where he later worked in the Parliamentary bureau of the CBC. An expert in the use of freedom of information laws, he has authored several books, including one about the RCMP, a focus of his investigative journalism. His book about the Renfrew County murders is set to be published in the spring of 2024. He lives and works in Ottawa.