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Labour Rights
A Democratic Counterweight to Growing Income Inequality in Canada
From: Constitutional Labour Rights in Canada
Discusses labour rights as a counterweight to growing income inequality in Canada, focusing on the use of Fraser an attempt to roll back BC Health Services, the role of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the critical connection between labour rights and income inequality, as well as the importance of defending labour rights.
Derek Fudge
Derek Fudge is the national director of policy development for the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), one of Canada’s largest unions. He has coordinated NUPGE’s ongoing Labour Rights are Human Rights campaign for the past six years. The foundation of this campaign was a book authored by Derek entitled Collective Bargaining in Canada: Human Right or Canadian Illusion (Black Point, NS: Fernwood Publishing, 2006). He serves as the secretariat of NUPGE’s Canadian Foundation for Labour Rights. He is also he editor of NUPGE’s Labour Rights are Human Rights e-bulletin, a monthly electronic newsletter containing news, research, and trends on labour rights from across the country and around the world.