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ISBN: 9781552214008


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Law of Torts, 5/e

The Law of Torts by Philip Osborne is an indispensable resource for practitioners, judges, and students seeking a concise and accessible introduction to the principles of tort law in Canada, as well as the social policies underlying the law and current trends in judicial decision making. The book reviews the foundations, characteristics, and objectives of tort law with specific discussion of negligence, intentional torts, strict liability, vicarious liability, nuisance, and defamation. It explains the relationships between tort law and other branches of private law, including contract law and restitution, and between tort law and public law, particularly the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The fifth edition incorporates significant developments in the law including the recognition of a limited common law tort of privacy, the restatement of the elements of private nuisance, and the clarification of the tort of intentional interference with economic interests by unlawful means. The book also discusses new initiatives in the areas of historic pollution, casino liability to problem gamblers, interference with computer systems, and cyber-defamation.


Philip H. Osborne

Until his retirement, Philip H. Osborne was a professor of law at the Faculty of Law, University of Manitoba, where he taught the law of torts and the law of contracts. Currently, he is a senior scholar at the Faculty. He is the co-author of Canadian Medical Law: An Introduction for Physicians, Nurses and Other Health Care Practitioners, 4th ed., 2013 (with J.C. Irvine & M.J. Shariff).

Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
Discussion of origins, characteristics, foundation elements, and objectives of tort law, with a typical torts case used as illustration.
24 $2.40
Discussion of the basic framework of negligence law, including duty and standard of care, causation, damage, remoteness of damage, defences, and remedies.
119 $11.90
Discussion of the inherent flexibility of negligence law, the influence of social policy, and the dynamism of the fault concept as illustrated by examples of products liability, informed consent …
118 $11.80
Discussion of the law of torts dealing with intentional interference with the person, property, and economic interests.
96 $9.60
Discussion of the individual torts of strict liability plus the concept of vicarious liability.
38 $3.80
Discussion of the torts of private nuisance and public nuisance.
29 $2.90
Discussion of the tort of defamation, including its general framework, elements of the cause of action, defences, and remedies.
26 $2.60
Introduction to relational issues arising in tort law, particularly regarding the private law regimes of contract, fiduciaries, restitution and breach of confidence, and the public law …
15 $1.50
Survey of trends and themes in Canadian tort law identified as being likely to influence its development and evolution.
15 $1.50
Glossary of terms related to the law of torts.
9 $0.90