Learning with Communities of Color

From: Coming Back to Life


We decided to offer workshops that would be only for young activists of color and that would train them to become facilitators of the Work That Reconnects in their own communities. At the date of this writing, there is one completed group of to report on, and of that I can offer some of my own experience of what we did together and what I learned.

Joanna invited participants in her trainings for people of color to respond to two questionn, the three responses are included in this chapter.



Joanna Macy

Joanna Macy, eco-philosopher, activist, and scholar of Buddhism and systems theory has an international following, thanks to 30 years in movements for global justice and ecological sanity. She is the author of 12 books including the original Coming Back to Life and Widening Circles, and she has produced a 2-DVD set entitled The Work that Reconnects.

Patricia St. Onge

Patricia St. Onge is of Mohawk and Quebecois descent, she is a consultant to seminaries and nonprofit organizations in how to work creatively across cultural boundaries. She is the lead author of a remarkably helpful book in this field called Embracing Cultural Competency.

Adelja Simon

Adelaja Simon is a Haitian Nigerian Black US-er and Work That

Adrián Villaseñor Galarza

Reconnects facilitator.

Andrés Thomas Conteris

Adrián Villaseñor Galarza, Ph.D., is Mexican from Guadalajara and a