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ISBN: 9781552213742-07

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Litigating to Advance the Substantive Equality Rights of People with Disabilities

From: Advancing Social Rights in Canada


Analysis of the legal landscape for litigating the substantive equality rights of people with disabilities.



Gwen Brodsky

Gwen Brodsky, Director of the Poverty and Human Rights Centre; Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia and Research Partner in the SSHRC-CURA Project “Reconceiving Human Rights Practice,” online:

Shelagh Day

Shelagh Day, Chair of the Human Rights Committee, Canadian Feminist Alliance for International Action (FAFIA); Director of the Poverty and Human Rights Centre and Research Partner in the SSHRC-CURA Project “Reconceiving Human Rights Practice,” online:

Yvonne Peters

Yvonne Peters, Chairperson, Board of Commissioners, Manitoba Human Rights Commission; Co-Principal Investigator for the SSHRC-CURA Project “Disabling Poverty/Enabling Citizenship” and Research Collaborator in the SSHRC-CURA Project “Reconceiving Human Rights Practice,” online: