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ISBN: 9781773631912-41

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Maddening Intersectionality: Assemblages, Conviviality and Confluence for Epistemic Dissidence

Section 14: Mad Studies


From: Critical Social Work Praxis


Ameil Joseph makes a distinction between the practices of self-identification enacted by mad people and the technologies of differentiation imposed on them by mental health systems and by the medical model. Joseph proposes a form of theory-informed practice that challenges technologies of differentiation, while at the same time honouring mad peoples’ own conceptions of difference and own practices of self-identification. This praxis can be understood as a form of resistance of any desire on the part of social workers to fix mad peoples’ identities within pre-conceived notions of mental illness in favour of rendering mad identities unstable, shifting, incomplete and in the hands of mad people.



Ameil Joseph

Ameil Joseph is an associate professor in the School of Social Work, McMaster University. His areas of focus include the confluence of colonial and racialized violence within criminal justice, mental health and immigration systems.