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ISBN: 9781552214046-11

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Maritime Labour Law

From: Canadian Maritime Law 2/e


Overview of the international regulatory system and Canadian legislation involving issues of seafarers’ claims regarding employment terms and labour standards.



Edgar Gold

Moira L McConnell, PhD, is a professor of law emerita and honorary fellow of the Marine & Environmental Law Institute at the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Halifax. For over a decade, Dr McConnell was a special advisor to the International Labour Organization on the development and implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and other maritime labour instruments. She was also a senior legal officer for the ILO, reviewing national implementations of these instruments, a consultant to the International Maritime Organization with respect to the legal regime for ballast water management, and has advised regional organizations with respect to implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Professor McConnell is co-author of The Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: A Legal Primer to an Emerging International Regime (Martinus Nijhoff/Brill, 2011, with Devlin and Doumbia-Henry). She is a co-editor of the Ocean Yearbook (Brill/Nijhoff) and an associate editor with the Yearbook of International Environmental Law and has published extensively on international law of the sea, maritime law, law reform, and regulatory system design.