

Publication Year

Mussolini Also Did A Lot of Good

The Spread of Historical Amnesia

Surgically, but with wit, Francesco Filippi demolishes each and every myth that has taken root about Mussolini and fascism in an uplifting handbook for political and intellectual self-defense. No stones are left unturned, including the colonial devastation of Libya and Ethiopia.

Legend would have it that Mussolini put roofs over Italians’ heads, developed the economy, had trains running on time, stood up for justice and against the mafia, protected the Jews from Nazi Germany, was a feminist, and put Italy on the map as a respected power. The founder of fascism’s only mistake was allying with Hitler.

Though this is entirely false, it didn’t prevent Antonio Tahani, president of the European Union, from declaring in 2019 that “if we must be honest, he [Mussolini] did positive things to realize infrastructures … he reclaimed many parts of our Italy.” In fact, only 6 percent of the improvements referred to were done during the 21 years of fascist rule.

Though written first for Italians, this book is relevant and timely for North Americans. Through a study of Mussolini and Italy, Filippi shows how such legends are built on webs of lie, manipulation of History, and constant uncontested repetition, explaining at the same time why so many people fall victim to the propaganda.

Translated into English by John Irving. John Irving is a writer and translator with a degree in Italian Language and Literature from the University of Edinburgh. He lives in Bra, Italy.

Please Note: A collection can contain up to 30% of the chapters from this title.


Francesco Filippi

Francesco Filippi is a historian of mentalities and an educator who has specialized in the relationship between memory and the present. Mussolini Also Did A Lot of Good Things is his first book to appear in English. He lives in Trento, Italy.
Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
The author talks about fake news and historical revisionism.
6 $0.60
This chapter examines Mussolini’s regime’s activity in the fields of social security and in labour issues. The author refutes the idea that Mussolini was the first man to give …
18 $1.80
This chapter looks at the supposed success of Mussolini’s fascists in the area of bonifica, or land reclamation, exploring the actual results and data resulting from their efforts. It also …
20 $2.00
This chapter examines the dangerous association of the right to a home with Fascism in Italy, which the author calls one of the most effective and impactful posthumous propagandist operations for …
20 $2.00
The author tackles the popular Italian myth that Mussolini in fact represented a parenthesis of honesty and moral rectitude in the history of the political life of Italy. He examines fascist rule …
28 $2.80
The author challenges the conception that things “went better” from an economic point of view in Fascist Italy, examining various Facist economic policies. He explores various aspects …
26 $2.60
This chapter tackles the premise that the Fascist regime was more open to women’s rights than the regimes that preceded it and have followed it. The author examines how this Facist regime …
17 $1.70
This chapter looks at Mussolini as a leader and soldier, and looks at the not-so-glorious reality of Fascist Italy’s military achievements. It discusses Italy’s colonial aspirations …
19 $1.90
This chapter challenges the notion that Mussolini "wasn’t that bad" as a man and in comparison to other fascist leaders such as Adolf Hitler. It explores Mussolini’s racist, …
35 $3.50
The author refutes various stories that have been invented around the figure of Mussolini and been spread around Italy over the years.
8 $0.80