
Publication Year


ISBN: 9781459406254-07

Categories: , , ,

My shoulder was a bit sore from that rocket thing

From: Gang Life


Gilbert, a Métis man aged thirty-four years, and Maureen,

thirty-five years, live on a small reserve. Their lives are described

in Chapter Seven. Both are hard-core addicts and have two boys

who have been adopted. Their relationship is a powder keg and

they spend just as much time fighting as they spend partying.

When he associated with gangs, Gilbert ran his own drug crew

and, like Terrence, contracted out his services to a biker gang,

as well as to black and Aboriginal gangs. He is a hustler and has

been on the street since his mother abandoned him as a young

child. It’s a good thing that he has been forbidden to possess

weapons. His life is confined: when not locked up in jail, he fights

in cages in mixed martial arts competitions.



Mark Totten

MARK TOTTEN is a professor of criminal justice at Humber College in Toronto whose research focuses on organized crime, corrections, sexual exploitation, human trafficking, mental health, violence, and gender identity. Over the past decade, he has collaborated with groups in Ontario and Western Canada in the development and evaluation of multi-year gang prevention, intervention, and suppression strategies.