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ISBN: 9781773631912-11

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Phone Calls, Anti-Oppressive Practice and the Relentless Cadence of Transformation

Section 4: Anti-Oppressive Practice


From: Critical Social Work Praxis


The author explores her belief that AOP theory alone does not produce effective, sustainable results in the elimination of oppression and oppressive practices; rather, she argues that without the personal motivation to deliberately and strategically engage in a practice of politicized labour, AOP will simply remain for many an academic exercise in how oppression shapes racialized, gendered, sexualized, disabled and other oppositional subjectivities. She draws on her own experiences to illustrate her points.



Notisha Massaquoi

Notisha Massaquoi is an assistant professor in the Department of Health and Society at the University of Toronto, Scarborough, with a graduate appointment in the Factor Inwentash Faculty of Social Work. She served for two decades as the executive director of Women’s Health in Women’s Hands Community Health Centre.