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ISBN: 9781773636405-02

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Popular Notions of Classes Today


From: Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism


In this chapter, Livingstone looks at popular notions of class differences among people in advanced capitalist societies today. Livingstone explores notions of the general sorts of classes and class structures that are recognized as important and summarizes where people identify themselves within class structures, and I also track changes in subjective class identity in recent decades. He assesses the perceived importance of class relations compared to other social divisions, such as racialization, gender, age and disability. Survey evidence in Canada since the mid-1960s, especially a 2016 national survey, is reviewed.



D.W. Livingstone

D.W. Livingstone is Professor Emeritus and past Canada Research Chair in Lifelong Learning and Work at OISE/ University of Toronto. His most relevant prior books include Professional Power and Skill Use in the “Knowledge Economy”: A Class Analysis (2021); The Education–Jobs Gap (1998); and Class, Ideologies and Educational Futures (1983/2012).