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ISBN: 9781773634821-00

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Preface, Forward


From: Growing and Eating Sustainably


The preface maintains this book is for people who want to learn about agroecology — about the concepts, themes, key writings, and grassroots struggles from which it has emerged to become an internationally recognized paradigm for building more sustainable and just food systems, presented through stories comprised of vignettes and photos. The forward describes how the author grew up on a farm planning never to farm and now studies the global food system, working with community and farmer organizations across the world to identify pathways for bridging the trade-offs and tensions between livelihoods, family well-being, job quality, environmental sustainability, and food security.



Dana James

Hannah Wittman is a professor in the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at the University of British Columbia. She conducts collaborative research on local food systems, farmer networks, agrarian citizenship, and agroecological transitions in Canada and throughout Latin America.