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ISBN: 9781551523354

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Resistance and Renewal

Surviving the Indian Residential School

One of the first books published to deal with the phenomenon of residential schools in Canada, Resistance and Renewal is a disturbing collection of Native perspectives on the Kamloops Indian Residential School (KIRS) in the British Columbia interior. Interviews with thirteen Natives, all former residents of KIRS, form the nucleus of the book, a frank depiction of school life, and a telling account of the system’s oppressive environment which sought to stifle Native culture. Winner of the Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize (BC Book Prize) in 1989. Now in its 9th printing.


Celia Haig-Brown

Celia Haig-Brown is an educator and the author of Resistance and Renewal: Surviving the Indian Residential School, winner of a BC Book Prize in 1989. She is the associate vice president of research at Toronto's York University as well as a professor in the Faculty of Education.

Chapter Title Contents Contributors Pages Year Price


The author, Celia Haig-Brown, lays the groundwork for the research for Resistance and Renewal. 17 $0.17


Randy Fred offers a first-hand account of his years at the residential school. Randy’s reflections of his years at the school are objective, yet heart-wrenching and brings focus to the … 20 $0.40


The chapter highlights the role the Government and the Oblates of Mary Immaculate played in the life of Native peoples, especially the Secwepemc. 22 $0.44


This chapter narrates the disruption that the residential schools posed in the lives of the Natives. The author juxtapositions the life at school versus that life before school for the Native … 29 $0.58


The author takes the reader through the residential school life: what a typical day looked like for the children, the discrimination they faced, the regimented learning of religion, subpar food … 50 $2.50


People rarely comply fully and easily to the introduction of oppression. Native children also produced counter-cultures in their resistance to the oppressive system which was Kamloops Indian … 27 $0.54


Based on the study of survivors, the author talks about the alcoholism and the suicide statistics, the suffering and pain of many who attended the school and conversely to the strength of those … 21 $0.42


The fall of residential schools. The aftermath and how it shaped the education of Native children in the times to come. 25 $0.50


- 32 $0.96