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ISBN: 9781459408661


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Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Residential Schools

The Devastating Impact on Canada’s Indigenous People and the Reconciliation Commission’s Findings and Calls for Action

Righting Canada’s Wrongs: Residential Schools is designed to provide an introductory-level overview of the history and effects of the Residential School system in Canada. This title makes use of photos and illustrations, firsthand accounts, and sections of easily digestible text to engage students with the material. Titles in this series are ideal for introductory-level university classes where students may not have encountered these subjects before.


Melanie Florence

Melanie Florence is full-time writer based in Toronto. She is the author of the SideStreets novel One Night and the Recordbooks title Jordin Tootoo: The Highs and Lows in the Journey of the First Inuk to Play in the NHL, which was chosen as an Honor Book by The American Indian Library Association. Melanie is of Plains Cree and Scottish descent.
Chapter Contributors Pages Year Price
The introduction provides a brief overview of the importance of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and outlines the goals of the book.
1 $0.10
This chapter provides an overview of the lives and cultures of indigenous people in Canada prior to the residential schools. It illustrates this with paintings, artifacts, photographs, and …
30 $3.00
This chapter discusses the policies that were enacted by the Canadian government and the effect this had on Canada’s Indigenous People. It illustrates this with photographs and …
10 $1.00
This chapter discusses how thousands of children were forcibly removed from their homes and taken to residential schools. It illustrates this with photographs, illustrations, and documents as …
6 $0.60
This chapter describes the experiences of students at residential schools. It illustrates this with photographs and illustrations of artifacts and documents as well as art created by former …
28 $2.80
This chapter describes the events and shift in political climate that eventually led to the closure of residential schools in the latter half of the twentieth century. It illustrates this with …
4 $0.40
This chapter describes the long-lasting impact that residential schools had on indigenous communities. It illustrates this with photographs and illustrations, documents, and firsthand accounts …
12 $1.20
This chapter explores the response from the Canadian government and religious organizations as well as the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in documenting the experiences of …
22 $2.20
A timeline of the events discussed in the book beginning with the opening of the first residential school in 1831 and concluding with the TRC final report and call to action in 2015.
2 $0.20
A list of key terms and definitions from the text.
2 $0.20
A list of books, films, websites, and reference material on the subject of residential schools.
1 $0.10
2 $0.20
2 $0.20