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ISBN: 9781552215746-19

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Impact Assessment for Projects on Federal Lands and Outside Canada

The “Federal Projects” Process


From: The Next Generation of Impact Assessment


This chapter explores the process set out in the Assessment Act (IAA) for the assessment of projects on federal lands and projects outside Canada; how this process differs from the rest of the Act and from previous generations of federal environmental assessment legislation; the practical and policy reasons for this; the benefits and drawbacks of this approach; and, finally, what can be done to address identified shortcomings.



Jamie Kneen

Jamie Kneen co-founded MiningWatch Canada in 1999. As communications and outreach coordinator, he leads the organization’s social media and public engagement as well as strategic research and communications. His specific focus includes MiningWatch’s Africa program (and previously Latin America), in addition to uranium mining and environmental assessment policy and practice in Canada, and he has been involved in the environmental assessment of many projects. Jamie is co-chair of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Caucus of the Canadian Environmental Network and has served on the federal environment and climate change minister’s Multi-Interest Advisory Committee on Environmental Assessment and previously on the minister’s Regulatory Advisory Committee on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. He also coordinated a participatory research, training, and capacity-building program on community-based land use planning and environmental assessment for the Commission for Defence of Indigenous Rights in Talamanca, Costa Rica, as a Cuso cooperant.