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ISBN: 9781773631912-05

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Structural Social Work with Indigenous Peoples and Homelessness

Section 2: Structural Social Work


From: Critical Social Work Praxis


This chapter argues that structural social work theory could be used to combat the issue of homelessness and specifically help homeless Indigenous people. The authors were part of a research team on the Poverty, Homelessness and Migration project (2010 to 2016) of the Centre for Research in Social Justice and Policy, through which they learned with and from Indigenous colleagues, students and participants about how to engage in anti-oppressive, decolonizing, community-based research. They present their approach and findings, based on their research and experiences.



Carol Kauppi

Carol Kauppi is the director of the Centre for Research in Social Justice and Policy. She is a professor in the School of Social Work, Laurentian University. In 2017, she received the Partnership Award (an Impact Award) from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

Michael Hankard

Michael Hankard is an assistant professor in the Department of Indigenous Studies, University of Sudbury. His research interests are in Indigenous ecological knowledge and traditional healing. He is Abenaki (beaver clan) and lives on Serpent River First Nation.